MB-Aug2023-2-1.jpgOn 13 August, I was honoured to be invited to the Middlesex & North West London Army Cadet Force annual camp final parade and presentations, this year held in the grounds of the RAF Museum in Hendon

MB-Aug2023-2-2.jpgThe Colonel Commandant, Col Angela Richardson gave a fascinating presentation on the activities of the cadets throughout the past year, in the lecture theatre at the Museum. We then moved to the grass area outside to watch the cadets march on their final parade. I was asked review the Cadets who were all very well presented, confident and polite. We were warned there was “no wet weather alternative”, and indeed there was a short sharp shower, but spirits were not dampened.

MB-Aug2023-2-3.jpgThe four finalists for “Cadet of the Year” had to deliver a message to the Camp Commandant and were judged on presentation and style. After a few tense moments the winner was announced to a great wave of applause from the cadets and spectators. Adult volunteers and staff were also rewarded with medals, and promotions were announced.

MB-Aug2023-2-4.jpgAll in all, it was a most uplifting day, emphasising the value that the Army Cadet Force bring to Society as a whole.