Rat-Trap Bond:Used to construct low cost walls by laying the bricks on edge where strength or appearance is not im...
Reveals:The vertical line of a Stopped-End in a wall to for door or window openings. Openings can be formed ...
Reverse Bond:A solution that can be used as an alternative to Broken Bond. When the dimensions of a wall require ...
Sectional Bond:When the transverse joints of the internal bonding, for a thick wall, coincide with the cross-joints...
Sleeper Walls:Dwarf walls built, off the site concrete, between the main walls to support ground floor joists. The...
Squint Quoin:A quoin, being other than a 90 deg. angle, built as an obtuse angle on the exterior of the building....
Stepped Foundations:Used when building on a sloping site to save excessive excavation and the amount of brickwork below ...
Stopped End:The end of a wall built vertically (door opening) as opposed to the angle of a quoin; the bonding of...
Stretcher Bond:The bond widely used for Half B. walls consisting entirely of Stretchers laid with a half bond lap....
Struck Joint:Suitable for internal fair face brickwork or blockwork. The joints are struck, with a pointing trowe...
Tingle Brick:When building a long wall, from quoin to quoin, the line must be prevented from sagging or errors wi...
Tooled Joint:A joint finish by using a Jointing Iron to form a rounded concave joint which is carried out as the ...
Toothing:If it becomes necessary to stop building a wall, to be completed at a later stage, this can be achie...
Wall Plate:A timber bedded along the top of an internal wall to provide fixing for floor joists or rafters. Gal...
Water Bond:Sometimes used for the construction of Inspection Chambers when the level of water is high in the su...
Weather Pointing:A finish to the joints formed by sloping back the bed joints and inclining the cross joints. This st...
Weep Holes:In some parts of an external wall water can collect behind the inner face (over window and door head...