Dining in Melbourne
As the turn of the year tends to be a quiet time for Livery Companies, the Consort and I took a few weeks off to visit our family in Sydney, Australia.
When we plan these visits, we try to arrange a visit to a part of the country that we had not previously visited, and so it was we found ourselves in Melbourne for a few days in January with an invitation to dine with Liveryman Brenda Upton-Kemp. Brenda spends six months of the year in Melbourne enjoying the Aussie summer, and six months in the UK enjoying the British summer.
Brenda is a wonderful and lavish hostess and we spent a most enjoyable evening chatting about her time as Mistress to Past Master Eric Upton-Kemp, and her life with second husband Paddy, who was well known and beloved by all in the Tylers and Bricklayers.
This was a wonderful occasion and will stay in our memories for many years to come.
Dining with the Beadles
David Wylie has been the Beadle for the Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers for quite some years, and so it was that we were delighted to hear that he had been appointed Chairman of the City of London Beadles’ Guild, and a party of Tylers and Bricklayers attended his Installation Dinner at Carpenters Hall on Friday, 25thJanuary.
Cook and Butler provided an excellent meal and after the meal had ended the ceremony of the Loving Cup took place. David’s two granddaughters looked most bemused by the Ceremony and were helped through it by Past Master Cook!
In his speech David admitted it was very strange sitting at the head of the table, instead of standing behind the principal host, and was most welcoming to all who attended the event. Past Master Tyler and Bricklayer Roger Westbrook responded to the Toast to the Guests with his usual aplomb regaling guests with stories from his diplomatic days comparing his life as Assistant to an Ambassador to a Beadle.
Principal Guest, Alderman Tim Hailes proposed the toast to the Guild and thanked them for all their work in the City.