Celebrating the Four Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Basketmakers
2019 is the 450thanniversary of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers and the celebrations began in earnest with a trade fair in the Old Library of Guildhall. The theme “Basketry: Weaving the Cycle of Life” was the order of the day. The trade fair was officially opened by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester.
Some 40 Basketmakers had stalls and I had a fascinating morning talking to many of the Yeoman Basketmakers about their craft, how and why they took up basketmaking and watching them at work.
Pictured here is Magog, a mythical creature, made by the Company that were presented to the Corporation and regularly take part in the Lord Mayors Show.
Craft Committee
With just a fortnight to go to the Annual Craft Awards, it was a busy meeting for the Committee where arrangements were finalised, discussion on the process of awarding Master Craftsmen status and an update on affiliated organisations.
Nominations Committee
This has to be one of the most difficult and confidential discussions that take place amongst the Master, Wardens, Past Masters and Learned Clerk as they plan for future officers of the Company.
We must consider who would be eligible to join the Court of Assistants and who could go on to take high office.
Not an easy meeting to chair!