Farewell to a Past Master
It was with a sense of sadness that Malcolm and I attended a memorial service for the life of Past Master John Wilson-Wright.
In the many years he spent as a Quantity Surveyor John had applied a sense of order and method to every thing he did and he was well respected in the construction industry. John was installed as a Liveryman in 1978, joined the Court of Assistants in 1998 and became Master in 2003.
After becoming a member of the Court Emeritus John took on the role of Honorary Secretary of the Charitable Trusts. When John stepped down from this role I took over, and I spent a very interesting day with John learning about the work of the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the Tylers and Bricklayers Charitable Trust, Craft Trust and Relief in Need Charity.
John is pictured here second from the left, with his wife Maureen.
From John’s wife Maureen I learned of the work of the Fifth Trust and a group of Tylers and Bricklayers spent a wonderful August day in Elham Valley learning about the work of this very special charity, which, I must admit had a big effect on both Malcolm and I. Sadly, it turned out to be the last time I saw John before illness took over and he passed away.
The Tacitus Lecture
Sometimes an invitation arrives in the Master’s Inbox that gives a hint of a very interesting event that lies ahead, and so it was that an invitation from the Worshipful Company of World Traders to their Tacitus Lecture given by CEO of the IMF, Christine Lagarde.
The subject “The finance sector: redefining a broader sense of purpose” didn’t give many hints away, but the packed Guildhall listened to Mme Lagarde weave Mary Poppins’ baddy banker (if you haven’t then do watch Mary Poppins 2) into her lecture on how the Finance Sector must change its ways if it is to survive in the City of London.
If you have some time to spare, please follow this link to Mme Lagarde’s lecture.
Guild of Bricklayers
I had been invited to talk to members of the Guild of Bricklayers at their annual conference explaining the role of the Tylers and Bricklayers Company in the 21stCentury.
Members of the Guild are, for the most part, college lecturers and I was delighted to be able to speak to the Conference to explain the role we play in supporting the crafts of wall and floor tiling, bricklaying and roofing.
In my time as a Liveryman I have always found it useful to explain (a) what a Livery Company is and (b) to give a history of the movement and the Tylers and Bricklayers, before moving on to the modern-day company and its activities.
In my talk I explained the part we play with hosting the annual Craft Awards, the Triennial Awards and how elite craftsmen in our three crafts can become a Master Craftsmen.