Qualifying the workforce
Craft Committee Chairman, Chris Causer, and I attended a meeting at City & Guilds to learn of a potential Professional Recognition Awards programme taking newly trained and working craftsmen a step forward into management.
C&G propose a programme of four levels (4-7) with six standards that have to be met; commitment to industry standards, commitment to communication and information management, leadership, professional development and working with other.
The programme would be open to anyone qualified or not who wish to progress into management and senior management.
Our Craft Committee will be asked to consider whether this would be of interest, before discussion with our related trade associations.
Barts Charity View Day
A sung evensong took place in St Batholomew’s the Great Church, the oldest church in the City of London. The stone built church resonated to the beautiful singing of the choir, with prayers and sermon from the Rev’d Professsor Sandra Eldridge.
After the service the Masters processed to the Great Hall of St Bartholomew’s Hospital to learn more about View Day, which dates back to the Easter services held in Spitalfields in the Middle ages and were intended to draw attention to the London hospitals and encourage the public to offer financial support.
The modern View Day offered a similar opportunity for the Masters of the City of London.
Our Annual Livery Dinner
Several years ago I attended a meeting at Clothworkers’ Hall and was taking on a short tour afterwards and to see the beautiful Caged Bird Tapestry which had recently been installed in the Livery Hall. I knew then that, if it were possible, that I should like to hold an event there during my year as Master, and thankfully it proved possible.
The history buffs in the Ts &Bs will know of the connection between the two Liveries as Tyler and Bricklayer Sir Samuel Fludyer was Lord Mayor of London, and in those days in order to do so had also to be a member of one of the Great Twelve. Sir Samuel is remembered in a window in the Livery Hall.
As Master you get to chose the entertainment for the evening I was particularly delighted that Guildhall School of Music and Drama Student Michael Poll was able to play the classical guitar for the guests. I had asked if he could include some pieces by Brazilian guitarist Roberto Baden Powell to remind me of my childhood in Brazil, and this he was able to do.
Our principal guest for the evening was Sheriff Liz Green and her husband Peter, along with Master Chartered Architect and Master Builders Merchant and their consorts. Some personal friends were also able to join us to enjoy this very special occasion in the Master’s year.
With one exception (the missing menus!), all arrangements went well and I thorough enjoyed the evening alongside the 150 guests.
I shall remember the evening with fondness for many years to come.
Excellence in Roofing
I was invited to attend the 2019 Roofing Awards at the Intercontinental Hotel, North Greenwich and had the pleasure of meeting many people from the roofing sector.
Eighteen awards were made, ranging fom Young Roofer of the Year, to Local Hero, Heritage Roofing to small and large scale projects.
Roof of the year was won by Richardson Roofing for Ludgate House which had a bespoke curved zinc roof that had transformed a dated livery yard into a new home.
It is such a pleasure to see all that is great in the construction industry.