Off to the Palace!
As Master it is normal that you receive an invitation to attend one of the Garden Parties hosted by Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace.
In the few days preceding the event, we had been studying the weather forecast in the hope that it would be a warm sunny day, sadly this was not to be.
We lunched with Master Glover Rodney Jagelman and his wife Sue, and Master World Trader Edwina Morton and her friend Jill at the Rubens Hotel before heading to the Grosvenor Gate and into the Palace Gardens.
By the time we left the hotel it was raining quite heavily but the garden walls protected us from the elements to a degree and in true British fashion, we just got in with it!! Once into the gardens we walked over to where the Royal party was due to pass, and on our way bumped into several Masters also there for the occasion.
Thankfully there was quite a tall gentleman in front of me who protected me from the chilly wind and fortunately I was able to look between him and his wife to see what was going on. We saw the current PM Theresa May and Archbishop Sentanu arrive at the Royal Tea Tent, along with a number of diplomats and guests in national dress.
The Queen was preceded by Prince Harry in heading to the Royal Tent. I understand there were a number of other members of the Royal Family present but we did not see them.
We then headed to the main tea tent for a refreshing cup of tea and sandwich.
We had a short walk around the gardens, but by this time we were quite cold so headed home for a hot cup of tea!