Today I attended another meeting of the Treasures Committee, chaired by Court Assistant Tom Christopherson. The venue for the meeting was, once again, the home of Past Master Roger Westbrook, a beautiful appartement in the environs of the Palace of Westminster and we are very grateful to Roger for his kindness in letting us use his home for this purpose.
There was a very full agenda and discussions were held about the arrangements for transporting the new centrepiece to different venues and the cleaning of the Company silverware. We also discussed the proposal from Doerr Valuation to value the various Masters and Wardens Medals (Jewels) and other items of value belonging to the Company and the logistics of accomplishing this rather complex task. Past Master Roger Westbrook revealed the replacement Renter Warden's Medal, which looked rather splendid. It was agreed that this would be presented to the Company at the next meeting of the Court. Upper Warden Simon Martin informed the Committee that he and Past Master David Szymanski had visited the family of Past Master Moreland Percival who had generously agreed to allow the Company to have the Past Master's Badge of Office on a long term loan. The family members have been invited to the Annual Dinner to present the badge to the Master. The Chairman updated members about the blue plaque and the proposal to have a T&B cabinet at the Guildhall Members' Club to display some of our best silverware.
Our host, Past Master Roger Westbrook ended the meeting by opening an excellent bottle of white wine supplied generously by the Chairman, which the committee members enjoyed whilst continuing discussions.
Another very productive T&B meeting.