Attached Pier:A pier projecting from a wall face, which thickens it for the width of the pier, and is bonded into ...
Battered Work:A wall that is built with a backward slope on its face, e.g. a retaining wall or tall chimney....
Bevelled Closer:The brick is bevelled, along its bed length, to reduce it to a 56mm closer on its face. Used in wall...
Block Bonding:A method of preparing an existing wall so that a future wall can be tied in at a later date. The exi...
Block-Work:Walls built of Blocks as opposed to Bricks; may be used externally, with a rendered finish, but more...
Bonding:The skill of the craftsman is to bond the wall in accordance with the designer's specification and m...
Broken Bond:This occurs when brick sizes will not fit the designed wall length. This is a common situation and r...
Cavity Fill:It is sometimes necessary, especially in housing, to set the top of the concrete foundation well bel...
Cavity Tray:Water can penetrate an external wall to run down the inner face and enter the building where door an...
Cavity Wall:Widely used in domestic construction as an external wall to prevent moisture from entering the build...
Chasing:The task of cutting a recess (usually vertically) in a completed internal wall, in brickwork or bloc...
Common Work:Brickwork that is built using common bricks (see Materials). The work is built using a cheap brick, ...
Corbelling:Projecting courses along the length of the wall to increase its thickness, or part of it, or as a de...
Corner Profile:Set up during the initial setting out of work and before excavation of foundations. Two adjacent pro...
Damp Proof Course:See Bricks and Materials....
Dead Man:In some situations it becomes necessary to build a section of a wall ahead of the external corners. ...
English Bond:One of the Quarter Bonds (56mm lap) for walls 1B thick and over when maximum strength is required. T...
English Garden Wall Bond:A popular variation of E. B. that uses three, or sometimes five, courses of Stretchers (laid at half...
Face Side:That face of the wall, most widely seen, which controls the quality of its appearance and accuracy. ...
Flemish Bond:As with E. B. this is one of the Quarter Bonds for walls 1B thick and over. Widely used for decorati...