The Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers is one of the ancient Livery Companies of the City of London. It has an active charitable, educational and social programme and maintains a close involvement with the tiling and bricklaying industries.
The Company received its first Royal Charter in 1568, although its roots go back to the fifteenth century. It is 37th in precedence among the City Livery Companies and its Livery currently stands at approximately one hundred and fifty.
The Tylers and Bricklayers encourages excellence in the tiling and bricklaying industries and has awards for outstanding brickwork and tiling, as well as for individuals training for NVQs and higher qualifications in the craft.
Every three years, we give awards to the best examples of brickwork, tiling or slating, and ceramic tiling in buildings completed within the previous 3 years inside the area bounded by the M25.