Today I attended three meetings of the Company, all at the HQ of the National Federation of Roofing Contractors in Worship Street, EC2. Our grateful thanks our extended to the NFRC for allowing us to use their offices for our meetings.
The first meeting was of the Nominations Committee, at 11:00 am. This Committee comprises the Master, Wardens, Renter Warden in Nomination, two Past Masters and the Clerk and its purpose is to choose future Deputy Masters, Wardens, Court Assistants, Committee Chairmen, Stewards and other leading members of the Company, for recommendation to the Court. Following intensive discussion and debate a whole raft of names was agreed by the Committee for passing on to the Court for agreement. The next meeting was of the Master and Wardens to discuss several matters of administration and future event planning.
Following a very nice buffet lunch generously provided by Liveryman Frank Clarke, the third meeting was of the Craft Committee, chaired by Renter Warden in Nomination Chris Causer. Several important items of business were discussed including the Craft Awards, the Triennial Awards, the Craft Visit and the No Going Back Initiative. The way forward was agreed on many items of business, with the various Liverymen volunteering readily to take on tasks. It was a real pleasure to see this important Committee in action, with all members contributing fully to the debates and discussions.