The Silent Ceremony
On Friday 11 November 2022, together with the Mistress and Liverymen Diana Malzer and Martin Reading, I attended the Silent Ceremony at Guildhall. This is is the occasion during which the new Lord Mayor of London is sworn into office, and it takes place on the day before the Lord Mayor’s Show (usually second Saturday in November). As the name implies, no speeches are given, and the actions are performed in total silence apart from the swearing of the oath.
Guildhall was packed with City and Livery representatives to witness this historic occasion. Television screens around the perimeter of the hall allowed a better view of the ceremony which lasted about half an hour. After a long line of civic dignitaries have processed into the hall, there is a passage of the badges of office between the outgoing and the new Lord Mayor, including the ceremonial sword and sceptre of office.
After the ceremony was over, the new Lord Mayor, Alderman Nicholas Lyons and Lady Mayoress Felicity Lyons remained in Guildhall Yard for a series of photographs
It was a wonderful ceremony, and Guildhall yard was packed with well-wishers waving to the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress as they left for the short journey by car to Mansion house. The Company wishes them both an enjoyable and productive year in these important and historic roles supporting the City of London and the Corporation.