The pace has certainly picked up during February and March. Shrove Tuesday saw me taking part in the inter-livery Pancake Races in Guildhall Yard, always a fun and well run event. The Company continued its success of recent years. James Hockley was our star, winning the coveted frying pan in the novelty race. The team much appreciated the members and friends who turned up to support the runners, and thanks to generous sponsorship around £750 was raised for the Company's charities, which is really pleasing.

The period in my year as your Master between mid November and end January has been no less fascinating and varied than the opening month and a half.

It began with the swearing in on 13 November of the new Lord Mayor, Jeffrey Mountevans, the 4th Baron Mountevans, at the Silent Ceremony in Guildhall, a most impressive and ancient event. Immediately after it, I had the enormous pleasure of leading a delegation of the Company at the Presentation of Addresses in Guildhall Library, where we presented Sheriff Dr Christine Rigden with a gift of 12 champagne flutes engraved with the Company’s badge. The Lord Mayor and the two Sheriffs each received gifts from their respective Livery companies in what was a formal but intimate and light-hearted occasion.

I am honoured to be your new Master. I greatly appreciated your expressions of support at my Installation on 1st October and at the luncheon afterwards. Many thanks; they helped to settle my nerves! I thought Grocers’ Hall was a wonderful location and they made us most welcome. I was extremely grateful to Bishop Knowles, my guest of honour, for his clever and amusing reply on behalf of the guests.