The installation of the new Master took place as usual at St Margaret Lothbury, filled to capacity with members of the Company in fine voice. 

The Court had processed from Carpenters’ Hall to the church led by banner bearer Court Assistant Cdr Edward Rolls, followed by the Master, Mistress, Wardens, Clerk, Honorary Chaplain and other members. Dodging the building works on Lothbury on a thankfully dry day, we were welcomed at the church by the Rector, Revd Prebendary Jeremy Crossley.

The officers processed to the front of the nave and the Clerk welcomed members and guests of the Company. The outgoing Master, Christopher Causer, called forward the Master Elect, Jenny Rolls. After swearing an oath to the Company, Jenny was clothed in the Master's gown and jewel to rapturous applause. The new Master then in turn proceeded to install the new Upper Warden, Alan Dodd, and the new Renter Warden, David White. She finally announced the Deputy Masters for the coming year, Christopher Causer and John Schofield. 

The Annual Service took place immediately afterwards, starting with the hymn Praise my soul, the King of Heavenfollowed by a warm welcome by the Rector. The introit was The Blue Bird by Charles Villiers Stanford, sung wonderfully by the Lothbury singers. Prayers were given by the Company Chaplain, the Venerable Dr Jonathan Smith. The Master’s lesson was Luke Chapter 10, ‘Jesus visits Martha and Mary’. 

Jonathan gave an uplifting and thoughtful address on the difference between being and doing, referring to this story of Martha and Mary.  He explored how contemplation and activity may sit as positive and complementary dispositions. Two women with close association with the Master's home city of Norwich were cited as examples. Mother Julian, the anchoress who lived in a religious cell and devoted her life to prayer and spiritual writing, which we may read today as 'Revelations of Divine Love' and Nurse Edith Cavell who served without fear or favour during the First World War and whose words shortly before her death by firing squad were "patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone". Such lessons, Jonathan suggested, may be applied to a worshipful livery company. The Tylers and Bricklayers enjoy a fellowship and friendship which is precious but it does not exist solely for the benefit of itself but to promote excellence in the industry thus ensuring the highest standards and beauty through its craft. The Tylers and Bricklayers in fostering excellence not only adds to the sum of human contentment but is crucial in the maintenance of safety and security. The address concluded with words of Mother Julian "For until I am united to Him I cannot know love or rest or true happiness, that is, until I am so one with Him that no created thing can come between my God and me".

 Following tradition we closed with the National Anthem and the Tylers and Bricklayers Company March by Edward Nesbitt. The music throughout was perfectly chosen, the organist being our Director of Music, Richard Townend, who had made the selection with the Master.

We took a speedy walk back to Carpenters’ Hall, where the new Master and Wardens welcomed members and guests to a champagne reception. This was followed by an exceptional lunch of London cured smoked salmon, braised Hereford beef and treacle tart with ice cream. The food was perfectly complemented by Gilvesy Cellars Sauvignon Blanc 2022, Chateau Brisson 2016 and fine old madeira, all chosen by the wine committee. 

After a sung grace and the Loyal and Civic toasts, the guests were introduced by Renter Warden in Waiting, Tom Christopherson. He welcomed principal guest Dr Loyd Grossman CBE, the Master Carpenter (on home territory), Kiyan Rahman, our newly bound apprentice and our presentee at Christ’s Hospital, and his parents Nazia and Sharfiur Rahman. Concluding a very entertaining speech, Tom proposed a toast to our guests.

Dr Loyd Grossman responded on behalf of the guests. His name is known to many members and guests from the creation of his own successful food brand, also as a broadcaster, author and for his contribution to arts and culture.  In an amusing address Dr Grossman reflected that a week ago we elected the 696th Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Alastair King DL. Loyd was only the 503rd Master Carpenter and in the same period there had been 266 Popes. He mused that the City of London was a place where people were never knowingly underdressed, and the Lord Mayor’s show was a wonderful charity disguised as a panto.

With wide-ranging involvements, he focused on the Royal Parks and his role as chairman for the last eight years, citing a number of staggering statistics.  80 million visitors per annum, 17 1/2 miles of wall, 2289 specimens of wildlife, 147 listed buildings, 450,000 plants, 60,000 geraniums, 170,000 trees, of which 17,000 were plane trees. He concluded with his advice to behave like a tree: “Stand up straight, drink lots of water and remember how important your roots are”. 

The Master responded that she was honoured to be elected as the 443rd Master of the Company since records began, the second lady master and the first “ladybird”.  Birds have been central to the Company since the 1800s, initially as highly respected builders. Over the years there have now been twenty-two Bird Masters and she was delighted to continue the family tradition. 

Her theme for the year is Good Fellowship, engendering a convivial spirit and encouraging kindness and thoughtfulness. We look forward to a fine year with our first “ladybird” at the helm.


More photos can be found HERE.

John Schofield - Deputy Master