TO ALL TO WHOM these Patent Letters shall come GREETING WHEREAS the Master Keepers or Wardens and Commonalty of the Freemen of the Society of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London all their powers franchises liberties privileges and authorities of or concerning the election nomination constitution being and appointing of any person or persons in or to the several offices of Master Wardens, Afsistents and Clerk of the said Incorpoation have surrendered (which said surrender we have accepted and by these presents do accept) Know we ye the Matioration of the said Society weighing of our special grace and certain knowledge and mear motion have willed ordained constituted declared and granted and by these presents do for us our heirs and succefsors will ordain constitute declare and grant that all and singular the Freemenof the Mystery or Art of the Tylers and Bricklayers of our City of London and suburbs of the same from henceforth for ever) for the better order rule and government of the men of the Art or Mystery aforesaid and of all those which now exercise and use or hereafter shall exercise and use the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of London aforesaid and of all works merchandizes or matters concerning the aforesaid Art or Mystery and for the profit benefit and relief of the good and honest and terror and correction of evil deceitful and dishonest persons)”
Be and shall be by virtue of these presents one body corporate and politic in substance deed and name by the name of Master and Keepers or Wardens of the Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London
And them by the name of Master and Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London one body corporate and politic in matter deed and name really and to the full for us our heirs and suuefsors we do create, make, ordain, constitute, confirm and declare by these presents –
And that they by the same name may have perpetual succefsion and that they and their successors by the name of Master keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London be and shall be at all times for ever hereafter personable and capable in the Law to have purchase receive and pofsefs and Manors Mefsuages Lands Tenements Liberties, Privileges, Jurisdictions Franchises and Hereditaments whatsoever of what kind nature or sort soever they shall be to them and their successors in fee or in perpetuity or for term or life of lives year or years or otherwise in any manner whatsoever.
And also goods and chattels and all other things of what nature name quality or kind soever they shall be.
And also to give grant demise alien afsign and dispose of Manors Mefsuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and all and singular other matters and things by the name aforesaid to do and execute
And that by the same name of Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of Lonond they may plead and be impleaded answer and be answered defend and defended in what Courts or places soever and before what Judges and Justices soever and all other persons and officers of us and of our heirs and successors in all and singular actions pleas suits complaints causes matters and demands whatsoever of what kind quality or nature soever they be or shall be in the same manner and form of any other our liege people of this our Kingdom of England, persons able and capable in the Law or any other body corporate and politic within this our Kingdom of England may or are enabled to have purchase receive pofsefs enjoy retain give grant demise alien afsign dispose plead and to be impleaded answer and to be answered defend and to be defended do suffer or execute.
And that the same Master Keeper or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London and their successors for ever shall and may have a Common Seal to serve for all causes and businefs whatsoever of them their heirs and successors to be done.
And that it shall and may be lawful for the said Master, Keeper or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London aforesaid and their successors the said Seals at their pleasure from time to time to break change and to make new as to them shall seem more fitting to be done
And furthermore we will and by these presents for us our heirs and siccessors do grant to the aforesaid Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London and their succefsors that for ever hereafter there shall and may be one of the Society of the Art or Mystery aforesaid in form hereafter in these presents mentioned to be elected who shall be and shall be named Master of the aforesaid Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London.
And that in like manner there be and shall be two of the said Society of the said Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London in form hereafter in these presents mentioned to be elected and nominated shall be and shall be named Keepers or Wardens of the Art of Mystery of the Tyler and Bricklayers of the City of London aforesaid.
And eighteen or more of the Freemen of the said Art or Mystery in these presents mentioned to be named and constituted who shall be and shall be called Afsistants to the Art or Mystery aforesaid
And we will and grant that it shall and may be lawful for the said Masters Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tilers and Bricklayers of the City of London aforesaid and their successors to have retain and appoint a certain Hall or Counsel House within our City of London aforesaid or Liberty of the same.
And that the said Master, Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the aforesaid Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers aforesaid for the time being and their successors or six of them at least whereof we will the aforesaid Master, Keepers or Wardens to be three or the Master and one of the keepers or Wardens for the time being always to be two) from tim eto time and at all times for ever hereafter as often as to them it shall seem meet and necefsary shall and may call together and hold within the same House or Hall a certain Court or Convocation of the said Master Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants or six of them at least whereof we will the aforesaid Master Keepers or Wardens to be three or the Master and one of the Keepers or Wardens for the time being always to be two)
And in the same Court or Convocation may treat confer consult advise all and every of the Statutes Articles and Ordinances touching or concerning the aforesaid Master Keepers or Wardens and Society and the good rule state and government of them according to their sound discretions.
And for the better execution of our will and grant in this behalf we have afsigned nominated created constituted and made and by these presents do for us our heirs and succefsors afsign nominate create constitute and make our beloved John Braithwaite, citizen and Freeman of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of London to be the first and present Master of the aforesaid Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London to continue in the said Office of Master of the Art or Mystery aforesaid from the date of these presents until the day of St Lawrence the Martyr now next ensuing if the said John Braithwaite shall so long live and from thence until one other shall to the office of Master of theArt or Mystery aforesaid be in due manner elected appointed and sworn according to the ordinances and provisions hereafter in these presets exprefsed and declared.
Also we have assigned nominated created constituted and made and by these presents do for us our heirs and succefsors afsign nominate create constitute and make our beloved Thomas Seagood and Thomas Horne Citizens and Freement of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of London to be the two first and present Keepers or Wardens of the aforesaid Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London to continue in the said Office of Keepers or Wardens of the aforesaid Art or Mystery from the date of these presents until the aforesaid day of Saint Lawrence the Martyr now next ensuing (if the said Thomas Seagood and Thomas Horne shall so long live) and from thence until two other Freemen of the Art or Mystery aforesaid shall be elected appointed and sworn into the said Office of Keepers or Wardens of the Art or Mystery aforesaid according to the ordinances and provisions in these presents to be exprefsed and declared.
And we have afsigned nominated constituted and made and by these presents do for us our heirs and successors afsign nominate constitute and make our beloved John Punter Thomas Cuddesden, John White, William Browne the elder Joseph Lem, Francis Cheshire, Edward Goodman, Thomas Lewis, Richard Johnson, Richard Frith, Thomas Townsend William Reading, George Harris, John Bridges, John Emery, Samuel Rowell, George Hutton and Robert Hull to be the first and present Afsistants of the Act or Mystery aforesaid to continue in the same offices during theior natural lives respectively unlefs in the meantime for evil government or ill behaving themselves in that behalf or for any other reasonable cause they or any of them shall be removed
And furthermore we will and by these presents do for us and our heirs and succefsors grant to the said Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery aforesaid and their succefsors for ever hereafter shall and may have one honest discreet man to be and continue Clerk to the Master or Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Art or Mystery aforesaid and for the better execution of this our pleasure in this behalf we have afsigned nominated constituted and made and by these presents do for us our heirs and succefsors nominate constitute and make our beloved Henry Lewis to be and continue Clerk to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Art and Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers of the City of London aforesaid.
And furthermore we will and by these presents do command and order that the Master and Keepers or wardens before in these presents named and constituted and every of them shall before they or any of them respectively be admitted to the execution of their office take the several Oaths commonly called the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the Oath prescribed and mentioned in the Act of Parliament for the well governing and regulating of Corporations made in the thirteenth year of the Reign of Charles the Second late King of England together with the several Oaths of the Master and Keepers or Wardens of the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers aforesaid for the due execution of their offices and also shall respectively subscribe the Declaration prescribed and mentioned in the Act aforesaid before the aforesaid John Punter and Williams Bourne the elder or one of them which John Punter and William Bourne the elder or either of them we do by these Letters Patent direct and require and to them do give and grant power and authority in the Court of Afsistants of the said Society to give administer and require the several oaths and subscriptions aforesaid
Moreover we will and by these presents do for us our heirs and successors grant to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Afsisants of the Society aforesaid and successors may every year upon the day of Saint Lawrence Martyr choose and make out of themselves one Master and two Keepers or Wardens to supervise rule and govern the Mystery or Art aforesaid and Society aforesaid and that the same Master and two Keepers or Wardens so elected from the Feast of Saint Matthewnext ensuing such election shall be Master and Keepers or Wardens of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and may have power and authority to supervise rule and govern the Mystery or Art aforesaid from the same Feast of Saint Matthew for one whole year then next ensuing and from thence until the new Master and Keepers or Wardens shall be by the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Mystery or Art aforesaid or the major part of them for the time being appointed and sworn and so as often as the case shall so happen
Moreover we will and by these presents for us our heirs and succefsors do grant to the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their succefsors that whensoever and as often as it shall happen either of any of the Afsistants in these presents nominated and constituted of hereafter to be chosen to dye or from his or their office or offices to depart or be removed that then the Master Keepers or Wardens and the rest of the Afsistants then living or the major part of them whereof we will the Master and Keepers or Wardens of the Art or Mystery aforesaid to be three or the Master one of the Keepers or Wardens aforesaidalways to be two, so often as the case shall so happenmay have and shall have full power and authority to nominate and elect one or more person or persons in the place of him or them so dead or removed and shall continue in their offices respectively and from thence shall be removed as formerly hath been used and accustomed And we will and to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their successors do grant that they the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaidand their succefsors from henceforth for ever may have and shall have power and authority to choose and add at any time after the date of these presents so many other persons to the number of the Afsistants in these nominated and exprefsed as to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaid and their succefsors or the major part of them for the time being (whereof we will the Master and Keepers or Wardens of the Art or Mystery aforesaid to be three or the Master and one of the Keepers or Wardens aforesaid always to be two) shall seem expedient and convenient.
And that every person who hereafter shall have executed the office of Renter Warden shall from the time of the execution of the said Office from thenceforth for ever be Afsistant of the Society of the Freemen of the Mystery or Art aforesaid
And moreover we will and by these presents do for us our heirs and succefsors grant to the said Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their succefsors that if the Master Keepers or Wardens of the Mystery aforesaid for the time being or either or any of them shall at any time hereafter within one year after that they or any of them to the office of Master or the offices of Keepers or wardens of the Mystery aforesaid shall be elected appointed and sworn as aforesaid happen to dye of from the offices aforesaid or any of them to be removed (which the said Master Keepers or Wardens and every of them for evil government or for any other reasonable cause we will by the major part of the same Master and Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaid for the time being removable and removed)
That then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for such and so many of them the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaid for the time being who shall be then surviving or the major part of them) whereof we will the Master or either of the Keepers or Wardens of the Mystery aforesaid for the time being always to be one) in convenient time after the death or remocal of the said Master and Keeper or Wardens or any of them at their pleasure one other into the office of Master and one or two others into the offices of Keepers or Wardens of the Mystery aforesaid to elect nominate and appoint according to the orders and provisos in these presents declared end exprefsed to execute and exercise the aforesaid office of Master and the aforesaid office or offices of Keeper and Keepers or Warden and Wardens of the Mystery aforesaid until the Feast of Saint Matthew then next following and from thence until one other Freeman of the Mystery aforesaid into the office of Master of the same Mystery or two other Freemen of the Mystery aforesaid into the offices of Wardens of the same Mystery shall be elected nominated and sworn according to the ordinances and provisos in these presents declared and expressed and so as often as the case shall so require
Provided always and we do will that in the case of the death or removal of the Master of the Mystery aforesaid within one year after his election into the same office then he who shall be chosen in his place shall take the several oaths and make the subscriptions in these presents exprefsed and mentioned before the last Master of the Mystery aforesaid for the time being. And in the case of death or removal of the Keeper or Keepers Warden or Wardens within a year after their elections respectively then we will that the person or persons so new elected in the place or placec of him or them so dead or removed as aforesaid shall respectively take and receive the several oaths aforesaid and shall respectively make the said subscription before the Master of the Mystery aforesaid for the time being which said Master for the time being we do by these our Letters Patent direct and require and by these presents to him do for us our heirs and succefsors give and grant power and authority to give administer and require the said several oaths and subscriptions
And furthermore we do for us our heirs and succefsors grant to the aforesaid Master and Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their succefsors that in case of the death or removal of the Clerk of the Society aforesaid for the time being another fit person in the place of the said Clerk so dead or removed shall be chosen by the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaid for the time being or by the major part of them whereof we will the Master Keepers or Wardens of the Art or Mystery aforesaid for the time being to be three or the Master and one of the Keepers or Wardens aforesaid always to be two)and so as often as the case shall so require
PROVIDED ALWAYS and we do will and by these presents for us our heirs and succefsors do charge and command that no person or persons shall at any time hereafter be elected nominated and appointed to the office or offices of Master, Keepers or Wardens Afsistants or Clerk of the Society aforesaid or any or either of them severally and respectively who before their Election do not respectively hold Communion with the Church of England and within six months at least before such election shall have received the Eucharist according to the form by Law prescribed in the Church of England
And that every person and persons respectively after such election and before their admifsion in or to the offices or places aforesaid shall take the several Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy prescribed and mentioned in the Act aforesaid together with the oaths for the due execution of the office of Master Keepers or Wardens Afsistants and Clerk of the Society aforesaid and also shall respectively the Declaration aforesaid before such person or persons before whom the usual oaths for the execution of their offices heretofore for the space of seven years now past have been taken and made which said several oaths and subscriptions we do by these Letter Patent direct and require and by these presents for us our heirs and succefsors do give and grant to them power and authority to give administer and require in the Court of Afsistants of the said Society
Also we will and command that every Clerk of the Society aforesaid hereafter to be nominated and chosen before his admifsion into such place or office shall be presented to us our heirs or succefsors for our or our heirs or succefsors approbation and if we our heirs or succefsors shall approve of such Clerk under our or their Signet or Royal hand that then he the several Oaths aforesaid and also the Declarations Subscriptions aforesaid taken as aforesaid shall be thereunto admitted but if we our heirs or succefsors shall refuse to approve such person so chose to be Clerk then such election shall be void and the Master Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaid for the time being or the major part of them shall in a Court of Afsistants immediately proceed to the election of one other person to be Clerk in manner and form aforesaid and so until such person shall be elected who shall be approved by us our heirs and successors as aforesaid and shall take the several Oaths aforesaid and shall make the subscriptions aforesaid
PROVIDED ALWAYS and furthermore we will and declare that every election of any Master, Keeper or Wardens Afsistants or Clerk of the Society aforesaid contrary to the directions and restrictions in these presents in that behalf mentioned shall be void and of none effect to all intents and purposes whatsoever
PROVIDED ALWAYS and by these presents we will and declare that it shall and may be lawful for us our heirs and succefsors from time to time and at all times hereafter by Order in the Privy Council of us our heirs and succefsors from time to time made to remove and declare to be removed any Master Keepers or Wardens Afsistants or Clerk of the Society aforesaid now and for the time being and thereupon the place or office of such person so removed or declared to be removed by that very deed to be void another fit person or persons in the place or places of the person or persons so removed or declared to be removed as aforesaid shall be in due manner elected appointed and sworne according to the orders and provisos aforesaid which said person or persons so to be chosen and every of them before admifsion into such place or office shall take the several oaths aforesaid and make the subscriptions aforesaid as aforesaid and so as often as the case shall so require
And furthermore for us our heirs and succofsors we will and command the Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery aforesaid that they and their succefsors from time to time and all times thereafter in all things which to the good rule and government of the City of London and Society aforesaid shall be subject and obedient to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London for the time being
PROVIDED ALWAYS and also we do will that no person or persons of the Society aforesaid for the time being who shall not hold Communion with the Church of England or who frequently go unto or shall be present at Conventicles or to any other unlawful Meeting upon pretence of religious worship shall at any time hereafter be elected to or in the Livery of the Society aforesaid hereafter to be granted to the said Society by the Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London aforesaid
And also that every person elected or to be elected into the Livery of the Society aforesaid before tat he be thereto admitted shall be approved by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London and shall take the said Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and Oath prescribed and mentioned in the said Act for the well governing and regulating of Corporations and shall make the subscriptions aforesaid before the Master and Keepers or Wardens of the Society aforesaid or any two or more of them in the Court of Afsistants which said Master and Keepers or Wardens or two or more of them for the time being we do by these presents for us our heirs and succefsors order authorise and require the same oaths and subscriptions in a Court of Assiftants as aforesaid
Provided furthermore and we do for us our heirs and succefsors declare that if any person being an Afsistant of the Society aforesaid at the time of the surrender aforesaid and within the space of six months after the date of these presents shall not surrender his office or place of Afsistant of the Society aforesaid to the Master and Keepers or Wardens and Society aforesaid and their successors and doth not submit himself to a new Election at the good pleasure of the Society aforesaid that then every such person no power or privilege in or concerning the Election of any Officer or Member of the Society aforesaid shall have or ought to have but from thence and from the benefit of this our grant – shall be utterly discharged and excluded
And moreover of our most abundant grace we have granted and for us our heirs and succefsors do grant to the aforesaid Master and Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their succefsors That the said Master and Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaid and their succefsors shall and may from time to time for the sound and wholesome rule and government of the aforesaid Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and of all other persons the aforesaid Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers within our aforesaid City of London and Suburbs and Precincts of the same and within fifteen miles of the same City exercising using or in anywise occupying and for the declaring in what manner and order the said Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Mystery aforesaid and all and singular other persons the said Art or Mystery within the said City of London Suburbs and Precincts of the same and within fifteen miles of the same City for the time being exercising using or occupying should behave bear and demean themselves in their offices Mystery and Art aforesaid for the more abundant good public and common profit of te same Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Art or Mysetry aforesaid and for other matters and causes whatsoever touching or in anywise concerning the Art or Mystery aforesaid lawfully and freely make ordain and establish reasonable Laws Statutes Orders Provisions Decrees and Constitutions according to the necefsity of the occasion which to them of six of them at least whereof we will the aforesaid Master and Keepers or Wardens for the time being to be three or the Master and one of the Keepers or Wardens aforesaid always to be two) as often and when as need shall be and to them it shall seem fitting
And we will and do by these presents for us our heirs and succefsors grant to the aforesaid Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery aforesaid and their succefsors that the same Master Keepers or Afsistants of the Society aforesaid and their succefsors for the time being or six of them at least) whereof we will the Master Keepers or Wardens of the Art or Mystery aforesaid for the time being always to be three) as often as they shall make appoint ordain and establish such Laws Statutes, Ordinances Provisions Decrees and Constitutions in form aforesaid shall and may make limit and provide such and such sort of pains punishments and penalties by fine amerciament or by either of them against and upon all offenders against the same Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Provisions Decrees and Constitutions or any or either of them for the observation of the same Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Provisions Decrees and Constitutions as to the said Master Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaid and their succefsors for the time being or six of them at least) whereof we do will the Master and Keepers and Wardens of the Art or Mystery aforesaid for the time being to be three or the Master and one of the Keepers or Wardens aforesaid always to be two) shall seem most necefsary fit and requisite
And that the said Master Keepers or Wardens and Afsistants of the Society aforesaid for the time being or six of them at least (whereof we will the said Master and Keepers or Wardens for the time being to be three or the Master and one of the Keepers or Wardens always to be two)shall and may have and levy the same Fines and amerciaments by Action of Debt distrefs or otherwise or by any other lawful ways or means to the use of the aforesaid Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Art or Myatery aforesaid and their succefsors without the let of us our heirs or succefors and without any account or any other thing to be therefore rendered or paid to us our heirs or succefsors
All and singular which said Laws Statutes Ordinances provisos Decrees and Constitutions so to be made as aforesaid we will to be observed under the penalties im the same to be contained so that they be reasonable and not contrary to the Laws of this our Kingdom of England or custom of our City of London
And we will and by these presents for us our heirs and succefsors do grant to the said Master Keepers or Wardens and Society aforesaid that the aforesaid Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their succefsors may from time to time at their pleasure receive and admit into their Society and able honest and discreet workman being skilful of and in the same Mystery or Art of the Tylers and Bricklayers –
And also to expel and amove any other from and out of the said Society at their pleasure
And moreover we will and grant for us our heirs and succefsors to the aforesaid Master Keepers or wardens and Society aforesaid that the said Master Keeper or Wardens and Afsistants of the said Society Mystery or Art aforesaidfor the time being and their succefsors for ever may and shall have the search correction and government of all and singular Freemen of the said Society and of all other Freemen and Forreigners of the said Mystery or Art of the Tylers and Bricklayers in any manner frequenting and using the said Mystery or Art of the Tylers and Bricklayers or using or exercising the Art Mystery or Work of the Slaters as well within the same City Liberties Suburbs and Precincts of the same or within any other place or places within fifteen miles of the said City of London
And of all Tylers called Plain Tylers, Rough Tylers, Corner Tylers and Paving Tylers and of all works and other matters or things whatsoever to the said Mystery or Art of the Tylers and Bricklayers in anywise touching belonging or appertaining as well within the same City and the Liberties Suburbs and Precincts of the same as within any other place or places within fifteen miles of the same City of London
And the punishment of all the same as well Freemen as Forreigners whatsoever as before specified for their faults as well in the premises as in not perfectly executing doing and using the Mystery or Art aforesaid by the Survey of the Master aforesaid who shall be for that time or any other of the same honest and sufficient men of the Mystery or Art aforesaid which the said Master to that purpose shall from time to time depute in his stead
And that they may correct and amend the faults in the same Mystery or Art if any shall be found according to their sound discretions as to the greater profit of the community of our people shall seem meet fit and convenient to be done
Commanding and by these presents strictly charging all and singular Sheriffs, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constable and other Officers, Ministers and Subjects whatsoever of us our heirs and succefsors that they be aiding afsisting and comforting to the same Master Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their succefsors from time to time in the execution of the premises in due manner in all things as is meet not bringing upon themselves or any of them any damage or injury
And furthermore of our more special grace and certain knowledge and meer motion we have given and granted and by these presents for us our heirs and succefsors do give and grant to the aforesaid Master and Keepers or Wardens of the Mystery aforesaid and their succefsors special license and free and lawful power and authority to have purchase receive and pofsefs to them and their succefsors for ever in fee and perpetuity or for term of life lives or years or in any other manner whatsoever manors mefsuages lands tenements meadows feedings pastures woods underwoods Rectories Tythes Rents Reversions and other Hereditaments whatsoever within our Realm of England or any other place whatsoever as well of us our heirs and succefsors as of any other person or persons whatsoever so that the same Manors Mefsuages Lands, Tenements Meadows Feedings Pastures Woods Underwoods Rectories, Tythes, Rents, Reversions, Services and other Hereditaments do not in the whole exceed the clear annual value of Three hundred pounds of lawful money of England above all charges and reprises , the Statute against putting of lands and tenements in Mortmain or any other Statute Act, ordinance or provisions heretofore had made set forty ordained or provided or any other thing cause or matter whatsoever to the contrary thereof notwithstanding and this without any Writ of adquod damnum or any other writ-inquisition or warrant thereof to be brought had purchased or obtained
And also we will and grant for us our heirs and succefsors to all and every subject – and subject whatsoever of us our heirs and succefsors special license free and lawful power faculty and authority they or any of them shall and may lawfully and freely grant sell bequeath and alien Manors Mefsuages Lands Tenements Meadows Feedings, Pastures, Woods, Underwoods, Rectories, Tythes, Reversions, Services and other hereditaments whatsoever to the aforesaid Master and Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their succefsors so that all and singular the aforesaid mefsuages lands tenements meadows Feedings, Pastures, Woods, Underwoods, Rectories, Tythes, Rents Reversions and other hereditaments so to the same Master and Keepers or Wardens of the Mystery or Art aforesaid and their successors to be given granted aliened or bequeathed do not exceed in the whole the clear annual value of Three hundred pounds besides all charges and reprises the aforesaid Statute against putting lands and tenements in Mortmain or any other Statute, act, ordinance and provision heretofore had made enacted ordained or provided or any thing cause or matter whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding
Also we will and for us our heirs and successors by these presents do grant to the Master, Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystry aforesaid and their succefsors that they and their succefsors from henceforth for ever may have hold and enjoy all goods chattels lands tenements pofsefsions and hereditaments which they now have and pofsefs or which any person or personsare or shall be seized to the use of Master, Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery aforesaid and their succefsors and all and singular such reasonable liberties, franchises, privileges exemptions discharges jurisdictions and customs which the said Master, Keepers or Wardens and Society of the Freemen of the Art or Mystery aforesaid within the City of London have or they or their predecefsors or the Freemen of the aforesaid Art or Mystery or any of them within our said City of London by whatsoever name or names or by whatsoever incorporation or by of any incorporation whatsoever heretofore have had pofsefsed held or enjoyed or ought to have hold use or enjoy
And we will and by these presents for us our heirs and succefsors do grant to the aforesaid Master Keepers or Wardens and Society aforesaid that all and singular persons now using or exercising or which hereafter shall use or exercise the Art or Mystery of the Tylers and Bricklayers as well within our said City of London and Liberties and Precincts thereof as within any other place or places within Fifteen miles of thesaid City and which now are or hereafter shall be free of any Society or Societies of the City aforesaid shall from henceforth bind or cause to be all and singular their Apprentices at the Hall and to one or some of the members or Freemen of the aforesaid Society of the Tylers and Bricklayers and the said Apprentices shall make or cause to be made free or admitted of the same Society
Although exprefs mention of the true yearly value or certainty of the premises or if any of them or of any gifts or grant by us or by any of our projenitors heretofore made is not in these presents made or any Statute act ordinance or any other thing cause or matter whatsoever in any wise notwithstanding
IN WITNEFS whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent Witnefs ourself at Westminster the eighteenth day of February in the first year of our Reign
By Writ of Privy Seal
£ s d
By Fine in the 6.8.4.
Guildford C.S.