Christs Hospital Appeal

In 2007, Tom Hoffman in his year as our Master undertook an appeal to raise funds to educate a child from a disadvantaged background at Christ’s Hospital School in Horsham. The Appeal was so successful that the Company has been able to cover the costs of educating two children (known as Presentees). The first was Onyinye Udokporo, who was at school from 2009 until 2016 and the second is Kiyan Rahman.

After completing seven years at Christ’s Hospital Onyinye went on to Kings College London and now, at the age of 23, runs her own successful online tutoring educational platform with lessons taught by qualified tutors. Onyinye was admitted as a Freeman of the Company at the Installation Court meeting on 30 September 2021.  She has been a wonderful ambassador for the Company, both in the Livery movement and in the City where she has become widely known (she made a speech at Common Hall in June 2019 at the invitation of the current Lord Mayor) and in her wider activities.

Kiyan has just begun his third year and is doing very well at the school.

The time has now come for the Company to plan ahead and raise funds to support a third Presentee at the School. To this end, we are inviting every member of the Tylers and Bricklayers Company to back our venture by making a donation and with your support, we can raise sufficient funds to cover the cost of educating a new Presentee. The target is £36,600. The Court has agreed that the Company will match fund donations from members to a value of £18,000.

Members of the Court have already pledged £8000 in support of the appeal so we are well on our way to achieving the target. If we exceed the target, we will carry any surplus forward to meet the cost of funding another child through the school in due course.

Why do this?

Our support for Onyinye and the opportunity which a Christ’s Hospital School education has given her has been genuinely life changing. We have similar hopes for Kiyan. Collectively we have done something which would be beyond most of us individually. It is a great example of one of our core objectives – to help others through charitable giving. Quite simply, it is the Tylers and Bricklayers at our best. We can and should be proud of our support for Onyinye and what she has achieved.

The 2020 Strategic Review highlighted the importance of our charitable giving. One of the key recommendations was that we should, where possible support people not buildings, places or fabric. An appeal to raise funds to support our next Christ’s Hospital Presentee would meet this objective.

How can I make a donation?

If you would like to support the Appeal, please either make a BACS payment to the Tylers and Bricklayers Charitable Trust, details below:

Sort Code: 160011
Account Number: 17376598
Account Name: Tylers and Bricklayers Charitable Trust
With the reference of “your name/CHA”

Or send a cheque payable to the Tylers and Bricklayers Charitable Trust to:

Christ’s Hospital Appeal,
Tyler and Bricklayers Charitable Trust,
2-2a Bond Street,
Lancashire BL0 0EW

Thank you!

 Simon Martin 
 Lesley Day 
Christ’s Hospital Appeal Committee Chair