Chimney Breast:Internal projection of brickwork built to contain a fireplace recess and flue at ground floor level ...
Chimney Head:Entire terminal of a chimney; the terminal is commenced with a series of corbels to form projections...
Chimney Pot:A terracotta funnel, of various shapes and sizes, designed to terminate a flue and improve the effic...
Chimney:The brick structure enclosing a flue, or flues, which extends above roof level. A chimney stack may ...
Circle on Circle:An arch that is circular in elevation and on plan; normally the springing and the soffit are level s...
Circular Work:Walls that are circular on plan. If the radius is large enough the wall can be bonded in the normal ...
ClipsClips have a similar purpose to nails but are used in a different way, in single lap tiles by securi...
Closer Gauge:See Bonding. The construction of some bonds, usually in solid walls, requires a 56mm closer in alter...
Coefficient of ExpansionA value used to calculate the distance various ceramic materials can expand under the influence of h...
Coefficient of FrictionA value to indicate slipperiness of floor surfaces. Established on site by means of a mechanical Pen...
Cold Chisel:Made of highly tempered steel they can be round or octagonal in section and are drawn out to a flat ...
Coloured GroutCommerciallly prepared cement, fine aggregate, plasticisers and colourfast pigments mix for filling ...
Comb Hammer:Similar to a Brick Hammer but the chisel blade is replaced by a slotted end to receive a dispensable...
Combination Tile CuttersSmall hand held tool which incorporates both a cutting wheel to scribe the glazed surface and a pres...
Common BrickA cheap plain brick that is intended for use where good appearance or great structural strength is n...
Common Work:Brickwork that is built using common bricks (see Materials). The work is built using a cheap brick, ...
Constructional FaienceA form of hollow moulded faience created from moulds. Glazed and fired blocks are filled with weak m...
Constructional Hearth:This concrete sub-hearth forms part of the structure of the building and supports the heating applia...
Coping BrickA special brick (like a capping brick) shaped so as to be laid on edge to finish, and protect, the t...
Corbelling:Projecting courses along the length of the wall to increase its thickness, or part of it, or as a de...