Every three years the Tylers and Bricklayers Company holds its Triennial Awards competition to identify the buildings or structures within the area bounded by the M25 motorway which best demonstrate all-round excellence in the use of bricks, roof slates and tiles and wall and floor tiles.
Schemes submitted must have been completed within the preceding three years and entries are sought from architects, contractors, specialist sub-contractors and building owners. Many are also channelled through allied trade associations and federations, with which the Company has a close working relationship.
Judging is rigorous. The entries received are whittled down to a short list in each category; each of these schemes is visited and assessed by a panel made up principally of members of the Company’s Craft Committee. This results in a final shortlist on which each scheme is visited and assessed by the Award Jury, usually chaired by an eminent architect and including the Master of the Company, the Chairman of its Craft Committee and a Liveryman expert in each of the three crafts.
This process leads to the selection of a winning entry in each of the three categories and also, from time to time, a high commendation for excellence. The outstanding quality of some the past winners can be seen by clicking on the appropriate year: 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 2021
The Awards are presented, often by the Lord Mayor of London, at a special ceremony in the City. They take the form of framed certificates for the building owner, the architect, main contractor and specialist sub-contractor and a certificate and Company Silver Medal for the Foreman Craftsman.
The Triennial Awards were initiated in the latter part of the 20th Century. They evolved from the Company’s earlier practice of awarding annually a gold medal to the architect and silver medal to the foreman bricklayer responsible for the outstanding brick buildings of the preceding year within an eight-mile radius of Charing Cross.