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Women in our Company

Women in our Company

There are currently 26 women members of the Tylers and Bricklayers and we are proud to have our second woman Master, Jenny Rolls, installed in October 2024. The Company warmly welcomes applications for membership from women.
Historically, we know that women were admitted to membership of the Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers.  Indeed, the building, soon to be Tylers and Bricklayers Hall, was purchased by the Tylers Company in 1542 from Eliza Dyall, citizen and Tyler.  (Presumed the widow of Ellys Dyall).  


There is official recognition of “sisters” of the Company in the Royal Charter granted to the Company by Elizabeth I in 1568, entrusting the Company with the support of “poor men and women, brothers and sisters of the society and mystery or art”, indicating that there were some women Tylers and Bricklayers at the time.  The Company’s records show that there were several active women tylers and bricklayers in the 17th century.  However, by the 19th century women’s membership of the Tylers and Bricklayers, as in most other City Livery Companies, had lapsed.
In the 1990s, the Company admitted several women as Freemen and in 1999, Alexandra Ward and her sister, Natasha, became the first female Liverymen of the Company.  Lesley Day was the first woman to serve as Master of the Company in 2018-19.
The women in the Company come from a wide variety of backgrounds.  Some work in, or have close connections with, the crafts of roof slating and tiling, wall and floor tiling or bricklaying but many do not.  Some have family links or were introduced by friends.  All have found a warm welcome and friendship in the Company and all play an important and active role in the life of the Company.  
The profiles which follow illustrate the backgrounds and stories of some of our women members.  If you would like to learn more or if you are interested in joining the Company, please contact our Clerk, Heather Smith, for more information or click HERE to read more.


Jenny Rolls - Master


I joined the Tylers and Bricklayers in 2002, three years after the Court voted to allow women to become Liverymen. My father was a member of the Company, and he thought I might like to join him. How right he was. I was the fourth woman to join and have been a regular attendee ever since. I have a long family history of Tylers and Bricklayers, with members of my family belonging since the 1800s.


Being one of the first women was a little daunting. I was often the only woman present at many events and like any new member, walking into a room full of people you don’t know can be difficult. However, I was made very welcome and soon felt at home. When I first joined I was working full time, my husband had a very busy job, and I had four sons at home. This obviously presented a few problems getting to events, so I only went to the evening events when I could. Getting the last train home to Norfolk and going to work the next morning after a couple of hours sleep was not great, but it meant that I could become more involved with the Company. It was worth the effort, and when I stopped work, I was well and truly part of the Tylers and Bricklayers. A little investment early on does pay dividends!


I soon found myself on a committee and was subsequently asked to become the Company Almoner, a role which I thoroughly enjoyed. The Almoner keeps in touch with members who are unable to attend events due to age or ill health which an excellent way of getting to know members and their families. Over the years, more women joined me in the Company and many have become friends. We still need more women members and all are made most welcome.


Our Company has strong links with the crafts of bricklaying, roof slating and tiling and wall and floor tiling.  Roughly half of our members have a link to the crafts, but I’m afraid that I don’t. My background was in nursing and subsequently owning and running a nursery school. In fact you don’t need to be a tiler or a bricklayer to join the Company – we have members from many different backgrounds and lots of varied events to take part in.


I particularly enjoy the history and traditions of the Livery Companies. Our Company had its first recorded Master in 1416 and was granted its Royal Charter by Elizabeth I in 1568.  We have a strong ethos of charitable giving, and are able to support a pupil at Christ’s Hospital School as well as giving annual awards for excellence in our crafts, bursaries for apprentices, and supporting many other good causes.


In due course I was invited to join the Court where I learned the workings of the Company. I enjoyed this time and served a three-year term. In 2021, I was asked if I might consider becoming Master. I agreed, and that is my role this year. I am the second lady Master, and this year, there are over 30 female Masters within the Livery Companies and Guilds of the City of London. There are currently 111 Companies, and women are really making our mark across the City.


It is daunting being Master of a Livery Company, and I was glad to hear that other Masters, not just the women, felt the same. It wasn’t a decision I took lightly, but I am so glad that I had the courage to go out of my comfort zone and take it on. I have had an amazing year so far, with many experiences that I would not possibly have had elsewhere. I have met people who will become lifelong friends, and been to places that I couldn’t have imagined.


If you have any doubts about joining our Company, put them to one side. It is definitely worth it, and I guarantee you will receive a warm welcome and have a great time.


Lesley Day – Past Master (and first lady Master of the Company)


I joined the Tylers and Bricklayers Company in 2006. At the time I was the Executive Officer of the Tile Association, which represents the UK wall and floor tile industry.


In 2018, I had the honour of being the first lady Master of the Company in its 600-year history, which was an amazing experience for me and my husband Malcolm. For me, it was particularly poignant to attend the 100th Armistice Commemoration Service at St Pauls in November 2018, not only to remember the Tylers and Bricklayers who had served our Country, but also my grandfathers, neither of whom I ever knew, but who had fought in World War 1.


It was a privilege to meet some inspirational people such as Zinnia Young, the winner of the 2018 Youthbuild UK Award, who overcame a very difficult childhood to train and qualify as a painter and decorator.


Through our Company’s support of the Royal Engineers, I attended the Cadet Open Day at RSME Chatham which the Company had sponsored. As part of the day the Cadets were challenged to undertake some bricklaying. I suspect that the Cadets learned that bricklaying was not as easy as originally thought, but at least they had a go.


Having had a career in the construction industry, it was inevitable that our crafts of tiling, bricklaying and roofing would feature in the year. I was delighted to present Liveryman Emma Simpson with a Master Heritage Bricklayer Award, to invite Speaker of the House of Commons Sir Lindsay Hoyle (a former bricklayer) to present our annual Craft Awards, and to take a group of members of the Company to Hampton Court Palace for our Charter Day to walk the roof and to see Emma’s work at first hand.


After my time as a Master was over, I was called on to help on special projects. For example, when the Company decided to carry out a second fundraising programme to send two more pupils to Christ’s Hospital School, I was asked to chair the fundraising committee. Our first pupil at the School, Onyinye Udokporo, is now a Freeman of the Company and, Kiyan, our second pupil is an Apprentice to the Company and I, his Apprentice Master. I am also a Trustee of the Company’s Charitable Trust and have recently helped launch a new website for the Tylers and Bricklayers.


Since joining the Company, I have made many friends and it is always a pleasure to catch up with them and make new friends with new members of the Company. Everyone was most welcoming.



Heather Smith - Clerk


I started working for the Company as Clerk in January 2021. At that time, we were still under Covid wraps and it was sometime before I met anyone in person or managed to organise a live event. The Master at the time I joined the Company, Michel Saminaden, and my mentor, Past Master Lesley Day, were kind and patient as we gradually emerged back into the normal, busy Livery pattern of life.


I was born and went to school in Lewisham in South London. After university I joined the Civil Service and stayed there for some 30 years (with some time off for raising children). I was proud to be promoted to the Senior Civil Service in 2006. In 2012 I took a careerswerve into the Church of England running St Alban’s Cathedral for 9 years.  A super job. I oversaw a major building project which has provided useful background for my third career in the Tylers and Bricklayers.


I work a flexible four days a week based at home in my attic office in St Albans. Every day is different with regular trips into the City for meetings and events. I am drawn to the traditions of the City and the Livery movement but like best engaging with the members of the Company who have been, without fail, warm and welcoming to me and my husband, Robert.


I would encourage people to join a Livery Company and of course the Tylers and Bricklayers is the best. Lest they wonder, this Company is an ideal place for women who might want to belong to a Livery Company and women are very welcome. 


Charlotte Pienaar - Liveryman


I joined the Company during covid, introduced by my father who was a liveryman and is now Chairman of the Craft Committee.  


I am married with one young daughter and a Labrador.  I am a financial director for our family business which is a specialist brickwork sub-contractor.


I am now on the membership committee with a passion to encourage younger members and women to join.  I am a keen golfer and organised the Company golf day at Burnham Beeches GC in September 2024.  I have also played in T&B teams at golf days organised by other Livery Companies which are always great fun.


My proudest achievement is having a family business, being a woman in construction and my family. I have no tiling or bricklaying skills but watch my team’s exceptional handiwork on a daily basis and keep threatening to “have a go”!


The Company is friendly and has a mix of professions. Recently the trade membership numbers are on the rise. It is wonderful to be part of a Livery Company that is one of the oldest in the City and that cares about the history and the future of tiling and bricklaying. Bricklaying in traditional methods is one of our family passions, which we pass onto the next generations through our apprenticeship scheme.


Rachel Malpass-Brown – Freeman


I joined the Company in 2023, introduced by a friend who is a Liveryman.  We attended a fantastic guest banquet at Drapers’ Hall in 2023.   It was a flamboyant occasion, with trumpeters and everyone in attendance was friendly and easy to talk to.  I knew that this was the Company for me!


I find the story of the City of London fascinating, and the Company is a living manifestation of part of that story.  It is an honour to be part of the City’s continuing heritage.  The Company helps others through the award of prizes, bursaries and charitable support.  This includes enabling a talented child to benefit from a first class education at Christ’s Hospital School.  It is fantastic to be part of something bigger and I find this really satisfying.


I am an Actuary, and I lead a team which builds and maintains actuarial systems.  Those systems are used for many things including calculating pension benefits and payments for customers.  I have no tiling or bricklaying skills and my only very tenuous link to those skills is the use of virtual tiles in technology systems!


I am married and have a son.  Our family loves to have adventures (skiing and cycling) and we enjoy making things - especially when it comes to food.



Debby Burman - Liveryman


I joined the Company in 2022 What do I do?  I work for a charity which supports the over 55’s in Hull. My role is Clerk to the Trustees and as the only employee I am responsible for everything from managing the finance, recruiting beneficiaries and managing and working for the board of Trustees. It is a position I have held since 2014 and it has enabled me to work, volunteer and support other charities and organisations in my spare time.


I was born in Taplow and lived in the West Country until I met my husband Paul in 1991. He was the reason for my move to Yorkshire where we married and had a daughter. Later on, Paul started working in London and when our daughter was accepted into a London university, I felt the time was right to move back to the south and we moved to West Hampstead in 2016.


My career before my current role was that of MD for my own public relations company with clients in many different industries including manufacturing, education, business-support and travel. Companies would typically engage a PR firm when they had an announcement or a new project and I have, therefore, been involved with many large building projects, typically factories, or historic buildings and one gas-turbine power station!


Throughout my career I have championed the role of women managers in the workplace and encouraged girls to look beyond the boundaries. In the nineties to noughties this was cutting edge stuff, but thankfully we have a more than level playing field for women.


Why did I join the Tylers and Bricklayers?  My great interest is history and having visited virtually every major Roman and medieval ruin in the UK, I started to research and visit the historical locations in the City of London. My good friend Diana Malzer, who is a Liveryman, invited me to a T&B meeting and as they say, the rest is history.


I am a member of the Communications Committee. I am enjoying the fellowship of the Company. It is a friendly group of people who welcome newcomers.


My connection to the crafts of bricklaying and tiling is peripheral but I feel absolutely committed to the use of modern and traditional building materials to maintain the look of our historic country. I could give you many examples of where bricks mixed with modern materials have enhanced an area to dramatic affect. Also, I feel very proud that the Company is supporting these crafts with awards, bursaries and other activities.


How would I encourage someone to join the Company? My own experience is probably the most relevant. To be invited to attend an event and be welcomed is a great start. I have also invited my own family and friends to events, and I think this is also a good way of recruiting new members.



Onyinye Udokporo – Freeman


I joined the Company in 2021.  I had the enormous privilege of being the Company's first presentee at Christ's Hospital School. I then went on to become an Apprentice in 2016 and from there became a Freeman. I joined the Company because I want to be part of a community that facilitates the opportunity to give back to others. I also hope to lead a campaign that raises funds for another child to be a presentee at Christ's Hospital School. I'm now an entrepreneur, author and factual tv broadcaster.


As a member of the Company I enjoy the opportunity to learn from others and really like the inter-generational relationships that can be built amongst members.


How would I encourage someone to join the Company? I would invite them to an event to see what the Company has to offer.


Emma Simpson MBE - Liveryman & Master Craftsman


I joined the Tylers and Bricklayers Company in 2015. My company was part of the team which won the Triennial awards in 2014 for the brickwork at Kensington Palace new café extension. 


As a team (Brickmaker, Contractor, Architect), we were made to feel very welcome at the awards ceremony and were encouraged to join the Company, which some of us did.


I am a bricklayer and director of Simpson Brickwork Conservation Ltd, a small company which specialises in the conservation of historic brickwork. I run the company, which consists of a small team of nine. I am also still on the tools and get involved in all aspects of our work. I also do a small amount of consultancy and training.


Outside of work, I like to go on long walks with my husband in the countryside around where we live in Surrey.


I currently do not have a specific role in the T&B Company. However I sat on the Craft Committee for a number of years and I really enjoyed this work.  I feel it is vitally important that the Company maintains a strong connection to the crafts.  I have really enjoyed the opportunity to meet some wonderful people. Working on the Craft Committee brought me into contact with some bricklayers from another generation and it has been a real privilege to get to know them and to hear about their careers. More broadly, I have met a range of people I would never have had the chance to meet anywhere else.  I have been struck by how friendly and welcoming everyone has been.


I have been a bricklayer for 33 years. My connection with the craft of bricklaying has been a huge part of my life and I was privileged and proud to be granted Master Craftsman status in Heritage Brickwork by the Company in 2019. Following that, in 2022, I was deeply honoured to be awarded an MBE for Services to Heritage Conservation.


I would strongly encourage anybody who is thinking of joining the Company. It is a very welcoming and friendly environment, where people are inclusive and open. Strong friendships can be made and there is a lot of fun and enjoyment along the way.



Christine Rigden - Liveryman & former Court Assistant


I joined the Company as a Liveryman in 2010. I much enjoyed my year as Master Constructor in 2009/10, attending many of the same events as my contemporary in the Tylers and Bricklayers, Past Master Julyan Gordon.  At the end of our terms of office, Julyan invited me the join the Company; I was delighted to accept.


I’m a geologist by first degree, with a PhD in Materials.  I was a lecturer for several years at London University, teaching concrete as a subject and also MSc students on geological materials used in the construction industry.  Bricks, tiles, and other clay products formed part of this.  More recently I have been involved with a civil and structural engineering consultancy in Canterbury.


I particularly enjoy the fellowship within the Company.  I would encourage someone to join by initially attending an informal event, which provides the maximum opportunity to meet and talk with liverymen.


Elected as one of the City’s four Ale Conners for almost two decades and Sheriff in 2015/6, I have also served as Master Mason (during Covid). Membership of other companies and involvement in the City has given me knowledge and interest across a broad range of Livery and Civic activities and instilled a love of the City of London.  I hope to continue to bring that enthusiasm to the Tylers and Bricklayers.




Women in our Company | Tylers & Bricklayers

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