The Tylers & Bricklayers are committed to support the Corporation of London's policies on climate change. As a result in March 2022, the T&B's Court approved the formation of an internal Livery Climate Action Group, ably chaired by Tyler & Bricklayer, Kate Oldridge and attended by members of the Tylers & Bricklayers.
Our vision is to become an influential voice within the City of London, guiding the Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers, our members and our stakeholders towards taking action in relation to the climate and nature emergency.
Our mission is to collaborate actively with the LCAG and other livery companies to reduce carbon emissions and elevate environmental consciousness. We are committed to implementing effective strategies such as a comprehensive environmental audit, promoting conservation-minded practices in our crafts, and engaging with key stakeholders. Through these efforts, we will drive tangible and positive environmental changes within our membership and our crafts, and in the wider community.
We have a Forum set up HERE should you wish to engage with us or have any specific questions.
There is also a Corporation of London Climate Action Strategy & Group which can be found HERE
More information will follow as we ramp up our work in this very important area.