Flemish Garden Wall Bond: | For 1B walls and over with three Stretchers between each Header on the same course; the Queen Closer... | |
Footings: | A term used, in a general way, to describe the structure below ground level. However, it is more cor... | |
Foundation: | The surface of the sub-soil on which the building rests.... | |
Gauge: | The Gauge is the measurement set for the vertical rise of four courses of brickwork that is pre-set ... | |
Gauged Work: | See Decorative Work.... | |
Hard: | Craft term used when plumbing the work, at a quoin, that describes that the corner is not plumb but ... | |
Heading Bond: | A quarter bond consisting entirely of Headers on every course; rarely used for straight walls. Used ... | |
Indents: | Series of vertical recesses formed in alternate courses, as the wall is built, at a position where a... | |
Lintel: | Horizontal beam to carry a wall over a door or window opening. When formed of reinforced concrete th... | |
Natural Bracketing: | Sometimes it becomes necessary to form, or cut, a temporary access opening through a wall. The top o... | |
Offset Footings: | See Footings.... | |
Perps: | The vertical cross joints in a wall. The setting out of the Perps and the careful maintenance of the... | |
Piers: | Can be attached, on one or both faces of a wall, and are bonded to the main wall to strengthen it or... | |
Pig: | An error, in the number of courses, at the two quoins of a wall; although the wall may be level a Pi... | |
Plinth Courses: | Used at the base of a wall if it is to be thicker than the main wall. Each plinth course reduces the... | |
Plumbing: | The task, by use of a Spirit Level or Plumb Bob, to ensure that brickwork or components are set accu... | |
Queen Closer: | Formed by cutting a brick, on the centre line, along its length to produce a 56mm closer. The Q.C. i... | |
Quoin: | The external angle of a building. The accuracy of the building depends on the building of the Quoins... | |
Racking Back: | When a section of the brickwork has to be delayed for some reason, as when building the Quoins, each... | |
Ranging Lines: | Heavy duty lines that are used for the initial setting out, at ground level, to mark the trench line... | |