
On Saturday 29 July, for the first time we celebrated our Charter Day at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. Taking in 600 years of history, our tour included the spectacular Chapel and the Painted Hall and we finished off in the Royal Observatory.


The Old Royal Naval College is built on the site of the Palace of Placentia, where Queen Elizabeth I was born and brought up as a child. Not much of the original brickwork survives, but the brick foundations of the Palace were re-used by Sir Christopher Wren to support the Painted Hall. Recycling is not a new concept – some of the bricks were also used in the construction of the Royal Observatory, and the floors of the Chapel were made from old ships timbers.


We visited the Victorian skittles alley, one of the few pleasures afforded to the pensioners. The room had previously been a smoking gallery, and for years the floors were white from the fragments of discarded clay pipes.

Following our extensive guided tour of the site, we had a leisurely lunch in the Old Brewhouse, overlooking the Thames, before walking up the hill to the Royal Observatory. Here there are John Harrison’s famous chronometers together with Thomas Tompion’s built-in year-running regulators.


Finally, a few of us made it to Queen Elizabeth’s Oak, sadly now dead, but allegedly a tree she played in as a child. A new oak was planted on the site by the late HRH Duke of Edinburgh to signify continuity and regeneration. My sincere thanks to the Mistress for organising the event.

MB_July_2023_2-1.jpgOn Friday 7 July, the Mistress and I were delighted to be invited to Builders Merchants’ Summer reception at Apothecaries’ Hall. This was a rather special event mainly held in the courtyard with a tour of the Hall thrown in! Outstanding musical entertainment was supplied by several students of the Royal College of Music. The Master Builders’ Merchant, Richard Hill (centre), who was a guest at our Masters and Clerks luncheon in the same hall only a few weeks ago, made us very welcome.


Then on Monday 10 July, I was very pleased to be invited to the Freedom of the City ceremony for Freeman Kim Walker at Guildhall. The entrance to the North building was unexpectedly closed because of a falling roof tile (how appropriate), so the party of Tylers and Bricklayers entered via the West entrance and had a brief backstage tour!

In the anteroom, Kim signed his Freedom papers before we were led into the Courtroom by the new beadle, Theo. The Clerk to the Chamberlain’s Court, Laura Miller, greeted us and explained the ceremony. Kim read the oath without hesitation, repetition, or deviation and then signed the Register of Freemen.

After a tour of the courtroom and its many treasures, it was time for photographs with his framed Freedom certificate in hand! Kim was supported by his wife Fiona, seen above, as well as his son in law and Deputy Master Simon Martin.

After lunch with some friends at the Reform Club, I set off to meet the Mistress for the Vintry and Dowgate Ward Club summer reception. This annual event has been held for many years on the roof terrace of the Nomura building overlooking the Thames, with a backdrop of Tower Bridge and the Shard.


There was a strong contingent from the Company, including Ian Mitchell Grimshaw, Jeff and Catherine Fuller, Michel and Maureen Saminaden, David and Jan White, Diana Malzer and Brenda Upton Kemp. It was lovely to see so many old friends, and to make few more!

MB_June_2023_4-1.jpgOn our return to London from the London Livery weekend in Glasgow, The Mistress and I were delighted to be invited to the private opening of the National Portrait Gallery. The Craft Trust gave a grant to support the restoration of the mosaic tiled floors, and it was wonderful to be back in this spectacular building after its three-year closure for renovation. 


The last few days of June were very busy! On 26 June we were at Guildhall for the Election of Sheriffs. Almost all the Masters attended in full fig, gowned, badged and chained. We processed into the main hall in order of precedence before the Court of Aldermen, Sheriffs and The Lord Mayor, together with former Lord Mayors and other senior civic figures.


Alderwoman Dame Susan Langley and Alderman Bronek Masojada, both Insurers, were duly elected, and afterwards addressed us from the balcony of Stationers’ Hall. 


Twelve members of the Company and guests had a wonderful luncheon at in the recently refurbished Hall, courtesy of the Master Moira Sleight. The hall has just reopened after a two year closure and is looking very fine. Later in the day, I was the guest of the Farriers’ Company at their Court dinner, again in Apothecaries’ Hall.


On 27 June I attended St Paul’s Cathedral for the celebration of Wren 300, followed by yet another dinner at Apothecaries’ Hall. The service commemorated 300 years since the death of Sir Christopher Wren, architect of the Cathedral and so much of London post-1666.  Tributes were given by several senior figures in the architectural world including the Master Chartered Architect, Chris Dyson. The Lord Mayor and Sheriff Marsden were in attendance, seen here leaving after the service.


The month ended with the Master’s Trip to Kent, Wednesday 28 – Friday 30 June.  Twenty-seven Company members and partners descended on the Chilston Park Hotel, Lenham, near Maidstone. The hotel is based in an 18th century house, previously a private home. It provided fond memories for several of the Company who knew it well in former years - there has been a house on this site since the 12th century. 


We were transported across Kent in the luxurious coaches of the King’s Ferry, with time spent at Chapel Down Vineyard in Tenterden, where we had a fascinating outdoor tasting session!


Our day in Canterbury included a visit to Eastbridge Hospital, the Franciscan gardens with its Tudor walls, and a tour of the Cathedral followed by evensong.


During the visit we were delighted to meet the Master of Eastbridge Hospital, and the Lord Mayor, Lady Mayoress and Sheriff of the City of Canterbury at Guildhall. 


Our walking tour guide, Stephen, took us to the Roper Gate, the oldest remaining brick gatehouse, just outside the city walls. Despite a downpour, we managed to get a group photograph at this lesser-known attraction.


After a lovely evensong service in the Cathedral, we enjoyed a very good dinner at the Cornerhouse Restaurant in Canterbury. The food and service were of exceptionally good standard, and we were sorry to leave when our coach arrived to whisk us back to Chilston Park at precisely 10.00pm.


On the last day we visited Sissinghurst Castle gardens, and we met with locally-based members and companions for lunch. The white garden was looking superb, despite rain the day before. I am very grateful to the many people who came on the trip, and I must congratulate the Mistress who was responsible for almost all of the organization. 


On Monday 3 July I was delighted that once again the Company provided a stand at the London Careers Festival at Guildhall, part of the Livery Schools Link. Over 800 children from a wide range of school came to see examples of potential careers put on by various Livery Companies.

Chairman of the Craft Committee, Court Assistant David White, Liverymen Emma Simpson MBE, Peter Lynch and Tony Yianni and colleagues James Brown and George Hodgson, the T&B team gave children the opportunity to understand the importance of a career in our trades. The stand was very popular and the do-it-yourself bricklaying demonstrations went down well! A full report of the event is available on our website, with thanks to David White.

The next day, Tuesday 4 July I attended the Sheriffs and Recorders Fund AGM and reception at the Old Bailey. The AGM was held in the presence of Sheriff Alistair King and the Recorder, His Honour Judge Mark Lucraft QC in Number 1 Court, where the most serious legal cases are heard. The Fund raises money to help offenders in jail and on release, giving them additional financial support and mentorship to avoid re-offending. It is a most worthwhile cause which we are very pleased to support though regular donation. The Mistress and I also supported the fund by attended a private screening of the movie “The Duke” at the Barbican earlier in the year.
Then on Thursday 6 July together with the Mistress, the Clerk, and representatives of 35 other livery companies, we spent the day walking in the City. Each year the Plumbers Company organise a “City Churches Walk”, visiting ten or more city churches. Starting with tea and bacon rolls in the crypt of St Paul’s Cathedral, we were split into two groups each led by an experienced Blue Badge London guide. Over a four-hour period with a sandwich lunch, we learned a huge amount about the history and architecture of the churches, many of which were rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of 1666.

One of the most interesting Wren churches is St Stephen Walbrook, right next to Mansion house. It is the Lord Mayor’s parish church with a remarkable central dome and round central altar by the sculptor Henry Moore.MB_July_2023_1-5.jpgIt was a fascinating and inspiring day. My thanks to our Blue badge guides Stephen Birrell and Philip Wright, and the Master Plumber Air Cdre Paul Nash OBE and the Clerk to the Plumbers’ Company Adrian Mumford for organising the day.

On 14 June, the Mistress attended a “Mudlarking” lecture and luncheon for Consorts at Cutlers’ Hall. Mudlarking is scouring the riverbed at low tide looking for long lost items, with history dating back to Victorian times. Today, mudlarking is a hobby rather than an occupation, with participants looking for items of archaeological rather than monetary value. It could be addictive!
Then, on 16 June, the Mistress and I flew BA from London City to Glasgow for the London Livery Weekend. 107 London Livery and other companies were represented. On our plane were the Lord Mayor, Lady Mayoress, both Sheriffs and their consorts, and a number of Masters and Mistresses. We must have represented their largest group on the plane, and thank goodness there was no mishap – it would have been a civic disaster!


In Glasgow we had an action-packed programme including a formal dinner at the Trades Hall on the first evening, travelling from the hotel by coach. We were delayed because of a collision between two cars which closed the main road for about 20 minutes. Finally we reached the Robert Adam designed venue for a reception and dinner hosted by the Deacon Convener and the Incorporations of the City.


The next day, we were entertained by a visit to the only Charles Rennie Mackintosh church in existence, Mackintosh Queens Cross. The architecture is extraordinary, with every detail designed by the architect. Almost filling the interior was a travelling installation, Gaia, a huge inflatable globe which had previously been placed in the Painted Hall in Greenwich amongst other venues.MB_June_2023_3-5.jpg

On the way to visit the tall ship Glenlee, we managed to stop off in the Riverside transport museum. A 1930s Lagonda with the initials of the Mistress made her day.


The tall ships, made in the shipyards of Glasgow were central to the development of international trade and financial success of the city. The Glenlee has been used as a training ship by the Spanish navy for many years before being repatriated. It is in remarkably good condition after extensive restoration, but maintenance is an ongoing issue. We had a light sandwich lunch on board before re-joining our coach to set off for the Burrell Collection.

MB_June_2023_3-7.jpgThe Burrell collection is remarkable. Situated just outside Glasgow in a purpose-built modern museum building, it is the legacy of one man. Sir William Burrell was an eclectic collector with great taste and the money to indulge in buying the best art and artefacts available. He had certain favorites, and Auguste Rodin was a much-loved sculptor leading to the acquisition of a large number of bronze casts. The massive roman Warwick vase from Hadrian’s Villa, made in the 2nd century and placed centrally in the entrance lobby gives a flavour of the ambition expressed in this collection! There was not enough time to do it justice, so we will have to go back.


After a short coach ride back to the city, we got ready for the main reception and dinner which was held in the spectacular City Chambers. We were all amazed by the grandeur of the location, and equally surprised that the Prosecco ran dry before the end of the reception! Beer and whisky were provided and proved fine alternatives.


The Lord Mayor gave a fascinating speech on the links between the 18 Incorporations of the Trades House of Glasgow and the London Livery Companies. Our Company is most closely associated with the Wrights whose number have included Sir William Burrell, founder of the Burrell Collection, Sir William Arrol, who built the Forth Railway Bridge and London’s Tower Bridge, and John Keppie, mentor to Charles Rennie Mackintosh.


The next day we went by coach to Glasgow Cathedral for a morning service and sandwich luncheon, before taxiing back to the airport and a flight home. Our flight was delayed because of poor weather earlier in the day, and the cancellation of some of earlier flights, but we eventually reached London City ready for a few hours of down time! It was a very busy and exhilarating weekend.